Patrick Dümmler studied at the University of Zurich, completing a Master's degree in Economics. During his studies, he worked at IBM and as an assistant at the University of Zurich's Socio-economic Institute.

During this time, Patrick Dümmler served as the coauthor for "Volkswirtschaft der Schweiz" (Economy of Switzerland), a standard reference work. After receiving his Master's degree, he worked for several years as an assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), where he published numerous articles and a dissertation on the Swiss MedTech industry before receiving his doctorate (Dr. sc.).

Since 2006, Patrick Dümmler has worked in corporate consulting, with a focus on the life sciences industry. Among other companies, he has worked for Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. During that time, Patrick Dümmler was multiple times coauthor of the "Swiss Medical Technology Industry (SMTI) Report," which appears every two years.

From November 2015 to April 2024, Patrick Dümmler was Head of Research for Energy, Sustainability, and Trade Issues at Avenir Suisse. Since May 2024, he has been the Head of Economic Policy and Sustainability at the Swiss Trade Association (sgv).

Patrick Dümmler has supported us since 2015 with his experience and his network as a Knowledge Partner for the life sciences industry, especially MedTech and pharmaceuticals.